The art of chronic illness Pt. 1

Art promotes stress relief, emotional resilience, and reduces feelings of anxiety, pain and depression. Art engages the mind, body and spirit that encourages creative self expression through non-verbal communication. I have chosen blogging and sewing to discuss how they benefit those of us with chronic illness.
Blogging about Chronic illness allows the writer to communicate his or her experiences through online interaction with family, friends and others with similar health conditions.
Expressing feelings; Blogging gives a platform to express our real feelings on life with chronic illness. Many of us feel our illnesses are a burden to others and writing helps let go of all types of negative feelings. There is no right or wrong time and way to blog. You can write whenever there are pressing feelings, write in the moment.
Being part of a community; Blogging allows you to feel part of something while being understood and feeling accepted. When I started blogging I became connected with other bloggers about chronic illness and for some of them I'm still connected to them six years later.
Raising awareness and educating others; Writing about chronic illness helps others learn more about what you're going through. Educating others about chronic illness spreads awareness about your illness. Writing about my journey with Lupus and my other illnesses, gives others tips on how to cope and live life well with chronic disability and was the beginning of starting my charity, Purple May NZ, which spreads awareness for lupus, fibromyalgia, and stroke as well as raising funds towards lupus research in finding a cure.
Pulling apart the stigma of chronic disability; Others don't always understand what living with chronic illness is, however blogging gives people an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of what it's like to live with a chronic illness. People struggle with the concept of symptoms that cannot be seen (invisible illness). By sharing your experience, you're using your voice to help break down the stigma and spread awareness for invisible illness.
Learning - through writing we learn, whether it be through research or interviewing someone. This is useful for someone to become self-aware of their triggers and symptoms.
Finding meaning and purpose - having a purpose and motivation is important for life with chronic illness. Blogging gives you a sense of hope and a feeling of achievement by connecting with your readers. Post stroke I am unable to work (a real job) and I struggle feeling like I'm nothing and felt embarrassed when I would be asked what 'I did' and I felt I couldn't be honest, because of the shame that comes with chronic illness and not having a job. I can now answer that I am a writer.
Creating a routine - it's important to develop a routine when posting blogs and interacting with others. An example would be, I edit my blogs on Tuesday morning with my support worker and I focus on particular dates during the year like, Purple May awareness month. I am to post a blog during that month, specifically to promote lupus, fibromyalgia and stroke awareness.
Building a career - If you enjoy writing and are dedicated to it, your blog can turn into a career. As you continue blogging over so many years, it's possible to monetize your blog, however try to post well written, inspiring, and let your personality shine through, you'll start a career. My experience is I wrote my autobiography, began blogging and developed my charity Purple May NZ.
I love letting my creative juices flow and inspiring others through My beautiful trauma blog.