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Is NZ's social housing causing residents more stress than there needs to be

The definition of stress is Stress is defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation athe non-specific response of the body to any demand for change. Stress causes a physiological response, and in most cases requires a visit to your General Practitioner or being admitted to hospital.

When I accepted the flat Kaianga Ora (New Zealand social housing system) offered me in 2018, they mentioned that they were going to renovate the complex therefore residents would need to be re-homed. It wasn’t until May of 2022 that we had an official meeting about it and we were told people would start moving out from July that year and everyone would be moved out by the start of 2024. It’s important to note that moving has been described as one of the most stressful adjustments of life. I was offered a flat in a new complex that was built for residents with illnesses and disability in June of 2023. I said yes to the property, even though the interior was not what I had expected, and I wasn’t jumping up for joy because the balcony looked straight into the neighbours. I said yes because I was afraid that I wouldn’t get offered anywhere else as new and nice. As soon as I moved in loved it! I remember it felt like I was living in a hotel for the first couple of months.

However, not all residents have had the luxury of being in a new, dry, warm and beautiful place to call home. A resident who is still currently in Dixon Street has been left in lieu and is feeling the crunch of it all. This Resident has written down how she feels, and how it's affecting her health from the lack of communication and false promises Kaianga Ora has made.


“Many of us wouldn't be living in Kainga ora If we hadn't had some kind of adversity in our life such as; mental illness, disability, drug and alcohol addiction and the elderly.

For me, this is the longest that I've ever lived anywhere in my entire adult life. Moving is a difficult time, let alone for anyone who suffers from mental health or addiction issues,” 

We are trying to go about our day as if everything's normal. You don't know where you're going to be living in the next week or month, because no communication or transparency from Kaianga Ora is enough to drive the most sane person crazy. 

When you have anxiety and depression it's easy to think that people hate you for no reason and the behaviour from Kainga Ora backs up that belief. Why are some people offered more places than you? Rumours are circulating that don't help people but put unhealthy narratives in your head because all you get is silence!

For me, it means that my brain wants to clean and pack but it's hard to have any type of security when you don't know where and when you're moving. And then I feel guilty and overwhelmed because of the lack of a sense of security.

Sometimes your brain gets so overwhelmed that all you can do is shut down and sleep which is not quality rest, it’s sleep that leaves you feeling groggy and in want of more sleep. Unhealthy behaviours develop like restricting yourself from food or binge eating and emotional dysregulation.”


I have been asking Kaiang Ora what they’re doing about the residents of Dixon Street. The current property manager of my complex has stated that no one will be left out onto the street and no one has to leave the complex by a certain date, which was originally the 30th of April but has been extended to the 30th of May and will be extended if not all resident are out of the complex which has not been communicated to the current Dixon Street residents. “Kaianga Ora will not leave any resident homeless” states Hanson’s street property manager however, the residents of have not been told about this development.



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