Why you should get a pet for your health

I know, I gush about Annie, my kitten, but she is the best girl ever! I can talk to her, play and cuddle, and as I have said in other posts she has enabled me to recover from a NFD seizure. She has the funniest little personality, that keeps me laughing at the things she gets up to.I recently had a stay in hospital, I missed Annie like crazy! My fiance sent a short video showing Annie looking around the house for me. When I came home she instantly started talking to me and purring. I don’t feel as lonely as I use too (however, my fiance comes around loads).

There is scientific proof that the bond between owner and pet lowers stress and brings happiness.
I am a strong believer in the saying “happy mind happy body!”

Manages loneliness and depression by giving us companionship
Increases opportunities to socialise
Increases opportunities to go outdoors and exercise.
Relieves stress and anxiety levels
Boosts heart health lowering the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and lowers cholesterol levels
Fights allergies. Researchers suspect growing up with pets strengthens the immune system and helps children build immunity against pet allergens and bacteria.
Keeps us living in the present. Pets serve as constant reminders to live in the moment because it is the only way they know how to live. While us humans ruminate over the past and worry about the future, pets simply live in the here and now. Their focus is on whatever is directly in front of them.
Improves emotional health. Pet owners seem to have higher self-esteem,be more extraverted and less lonely, be less preoccupied, and be less fearful of everyday life challenges.
Provides you with a routine and a sense of commitment to give your pet a good and healthy life
Eases pain, lessens anxiety therefore lowers pain. There is evidence to prove that after surgery, pet owners don’t need as much pain medication
Minimizes the risk of suffering a stroke. "If you have a cat, you're 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack, and you're 40 percent less likely to have a cardiovascular incident like a stroke," Dr. Becker says