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How to make life brighter when you are going through tough times

Living with chronic illness is a bitch! You never know what the next day, week or month is going to be. Am I going to be dealing with a flare, too tired, or in the hospital, am I going to be able to get the work done that I need too? I bet your thinking right? And so it goes on, that seems to be a never ending battle. Those who know me, know that I like to try and see/finding a positive through the tough times.

Here are some ways to make the pain a little more bearable.

  • Surround yourself with loved ones, (and positive people) let them help!

  • Get a pet, Annie makes my life, that little more bearable

Get some bright shoes or clothes, there is psychology around certain colors associated with feelings

  • Write your feelings in a journal, give yourself time and space to process what you are feeling

  • Do something that you enjoy! (I like to sew, or play with Annie)

  • Listen to music that makes you happy (positive music can release those happy endorphins.

  • Watch your favourite movies or tv series to take your mind off the pain and frustration

  • Try and find a positive within the situation, (I like to look at what I have. I have my own place, a fiance, Annie, and loads of family, who love and support me)

  • If you’re able, do exercise, even if it’s just a walk down the road or doing jobs around your house. Exercise releases endorphins.

  • Give back to the community. Volunteering, donating, and helping others may also make a person feel good.

  • Meditation and yoga are well known stress relievers, allowing yourself to stop and think about your aspirations for life, and it's a way of self-care

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