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What my fiance thinks it's like to be in a relationship who has disability and chronic illness

I wanted to hear another perspective of what it's like for the to be around me with disability and chronic illness.

What were your initial thoughts when you thought about dating me with Chronic Illness?

I didn't actually 'think' about dating a disabled person. When I first saw you, there was the visible limp but I didn't know what disability or conditions there were or their extent. I was drawn by your brightness and enthusiasm and honesty and that meant that finding out about the extent was a natural progression.

What illness do you think affects me the most? (fatigue, left side disability etc?) Why/How?

Fatigue and pain seem to me to affect you the most. Pain - We can be doing something as innocent as sitting together but just the way we are touching can cause pain, Fatigue - Some days you are so fatigued you can't get started or we have plans to do something and you suddenly run out of steam or worse push when you should take a break.

Do you know what medications I take? Is it important that you know what meds are for what illness?

Not all. I know some of them but not all

What has been the biggest lesson you have learnt from me and my Illnesses?

Open minded, tolerant, and be ready to change plans are the most important lessons. I'd like to think I had those characteristics to some degree but being with you puts them to practice more often. It is too easy to make assumptions in relationships but with you and your disabilities it requires more communication.

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