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How many spoons do you have?

The spoon theory is a disability metaphor and an analogy used to explain the reduced amount of energy available for activities of daily living and productive tasks that may result from disability or chronic illness. ... A person who runs out of spoons has no choice but to rest until their spoons are replenished. I found out about the spoon theory from a fellow friend who also has chronic illness It’s been helpful to explain to others who don’t really understand my having many “Invisible illnesses”. Invisible illnesses are usually chronic conditions that significantly impair normal activities of daily living. They show no outward signs of their illness, However one debilitating symptom is fatigue because the body is fighting internally and using a lot of energy.

Because I have many ‘Invisible Illnesses.’My daily activities are very limited, sometimes just doing my morning routine uses upto 5 spoons. On my good days I have about 12 spoons. My day consists of:

  • Wake up walk to get and make my morning black coffee (1 & ½ spoons)

  • Fill my cup up with fresh water and make my poop juice and take meds (2 spoons)

  • Get dressed (2 spoons)....and so on.

As you can see everything that I used to do and take for granted, takes a spoon. I usually have to think about what has to get done and prioritize that day or leave it for my career to come and help. On the days I don’t have Rachel (My Career) I usually don’t get dressed unless i really have to, That is the greatness of my job being a writer/Author I can stay at home, I can work in PJ’s and in bed if I’m having a “sick day”

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