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Food for Thought

As you’re probably now aware, I have very complex medical illnesses which can cause gut upsets and flare ups from certain types of foods. I have chosen to be self conscious of what I eat to make me less bloated and less flares.. I try to keep high inflammatory foods to a bare minimum. Among my research a lot of the bad foods consist of genetically modified foods that have ‘nasty extras’ causing inflammation and makes it hard to digest foods. Our bodies need nutritious foods that provide us with the vitamins and minerals that helps us to function properly and be healthy.

I do believe in the saying “you are what you eat”. I choose not to call it a diet, but rather “a healthy lifestyle plan” which makes it less depressing. I have chosen, after some research to cut out gluten and lactose and processed sugars, as well as other foods that cause upset on my digestion which are corn, dried fruit, onion and garlic. The FODMAP diet was really good at helping me find out what foods upset my tummy.

I want to be honest that because i’m so limited with what I choose to eat, I believe in the 80/20 plan. 80% of the time I try to be good and 20% of the time i NEED the bad (ok maybe want?). For me bad delicious foods are speciality bread from the bakery section in the supermarket or a whole burger and chips special from McDonalds. However when I eat these I become so bloated, get itchy and I get pain around my belly. I’m either constipated, have diarrhea and or get a flare from one of my illnesses. Nevertheless, as I take the first mouthful of the forbidden foods is, well, orgasmic! OH MY GOSH It’s like all my christmases, birthdays all in one! But I continuously ask myself is this 10 minutes of orgasm worth the side effects? I’m still trying to figure this out? But never seem to learn….

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