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Defining Neurological Functional Disorder (NFD)

Neurology site

For all of the functional symptoms described on this website, the basic answer is that there is a problem with the function of the nervous system. Symptoms can be a weakness in the limbs, and a “freeze” of the brain, that can make you into being in a trance-like state. Symptoms can begin with the body unable to move or talk. Gradually over time, you would start having a functional tremor, which may look like a seizure, This cause for this disorder is because there is a “problem with the way the brain is sending messages to the body.”

Because this illness is misunderstood, so doctors put it under psychiatric, and that psychotherapy will help the symptoms I want to challenge you to think about this, My seizures started when I had PTSD while writing my autobiography My Beautiful Trauma As you will read I had a traumatic childhood (which you can read by purchasing my autobiography.) Trauma may have started my seizures, but why do I keep having seizures when I’m tired?

Here are ways that you can make living with NFD a little better

Purchase a WheelChair

Purchasing a wheelchair has changed my life! I have way more energy, therefore I can focus on other parts of life. Don’t look at it thinking you have let your illness win. Think about it in the way, that you are improving your livelihood!

Going places with a support person/asking for help

Going out with a support person is beneficial, to minimise your fatigue levels from dropping to exhaustion. It’s ok to ask for help. It also shows others that you are aware of your needs, and are strong in asking for help. If you don’t, then you will never get what you want and need.

Rest when you need

Listening to your body and resting when you need to, is another important way to improve your livelihood. I still struggle with this. You will be able to be at your best!

Get a Medical Alert Alarm

Having a medical alarm helps if you have a full while you are having a seizure, knowing that you will be helped to get back up and taken care of after. This will help you physically and psychologically, knowing that your help is on the way, the medics let your

emergency support know that you have called you’ve called for help. My emergency usually gives me a text or ring to check that I am ok and if they need help from them.

Get a pet

Pets understand their humans and know when you are not alright and will stay near you while you are having a seizure. My Daisy always rubs against me when I have a seizure and having her near, helps me to stop having a seizure.

I hope these ideas help :)

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